MetabolomicsMetabolomics studies intermediate and final products of cell metabolism. Nowadays metabolomic analysis is considered to be one of the most promising trends of development in the systematic biology.
Contemporary metabolomics is far beyond the scope of postgenomic analysis and estimation of early phenotypic response. Metabolic profile describes biochemical state of the system, which can be used as an alternative way to look at the biological object. Almost all biological experiments and observations could be accompanied by estimation of stability and dynamics of such biochemical states. These findings could facilitate understanding of molecular processes and even give a chance to control them. The most powerful feature of this technic is possibility of making simultaneous qualitative and quantitative characterization of great amount of biomolecules in prototype system (according to some investigations metabolic net contains more than 5000 compounds on average). Since we can assume that biological objects are in fact complex dynamic systems, metabolic profiling could bring brand-new information about those objects. Metabolomics demands state-of-art high-quality analytical instrumentation, comprising chromatographic and mass-spectrometric equipment, which is presented in the resource center. Established gas chromatography mass-spectrometry equipment could be used for analysis of such materials as:
Established liquid chromatography mass-spectrometry equipment could be used for analysis of such materials as:
Mass Spectrometry
LECO Pegasus 4D is full two-dimensional gas chromatography with Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass spectrometer Pegasus 2D GCxGC combined with the High-Throughput gas chromatography with Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer Pegasus HT TOFMS. Pegasus 4D system possesses all the advantages and possibilities of the full two-dimensional chromatography and provides four dimensions of analytical resolution resulting in the 3D chromatogram. The instrument can be used for metabolomic studies, chemotaxonomic studies, in diagnostics, for environmental compound analysis, etc. For more information visit
LC/MS system Agilent 6538 UHD is equipped with Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) analyzer, Ion Beam Compression (IBC) and Enhanced Mirror Technology (EMT) for significantly improved mass resolution. LC/MS is an indispensable tool of protein chemistry, proteomics and metabolomics. It allows to perform many diverse tasks, the most common of which are: identification of individual components in complex mixtures; semi quantitative analysis; protein analysis by proteolytic peptide mapping; de novo protein/peptide sequencing. For more information visit
Bruker UltrafleXtreme is the next generation-cutting edge Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionisation Time-of-Flight/Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) Mass Spectrometer (MS) with true 2 kHz speed in TOF mode and 1 kHz in TOF/TOF mode. The instrument allows to perform de novo protein/peptide sequencing using bottom-up and top-down approaches; protein resequencing; complex peptide mixture analyses; proteomic analyses of post translational modifications using bottom-up and top-down approaches; oligonucleotide purity analyses; MALDI-imaging; lipidomics analysis using thin layer chromatography technique (TLC-MALDI); multicomponent analyses; two-dimentional nano-HPLC analyses of peptide molecules and MALDI target plates spotting for subsequent identification of peptides/ proteins using LC-MALDI technique. For more information visit Chromatography
The Pegasus 2D GCxGC is the two-dimensional gas chromatograph allowing to study samples in two analytical dimensions. Two-dimensional gas chromatography concludes in the dividing of the chromatography zone leaving the main column with different stationary phases into two different columns thus adding the second dimension of chromatographic resolution. It results in the division of chromatographic maximums providing more complete and effective sample analysis. For more information visit
HPLC system Agilent 1260 is a comprehensive portfolio of LC solutions with high productivity levels and data quality. It is equipped with both binary pump SL for LC-analysis (for columns with inner diameter 2.1 mm; 3 mm; 4.6 mm) and HPLC-Chip/MS with nanospray source (nanocolumn and nanospray emitter, integrated into a single polymer chip), multiple wavelength detector, micro collection/spotting system, auto sampler and manual injection system. The system is coupled with ESI-mass-spectrometer Agilent 6538 UHD, consequently there are two functional modes: as an independent HPLC-system and as sample-preparing accessory for MS-analysis. For more information visit Optic Spectrometry
Walz PAM-250 is a portable impulse fluorometer designed for photosynthesis studies by chlorophyll fluorescence measuring technique. The instrument uses pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) light to excite chlorophyll fluorescence allowing to detect maximum fluorescence yield during saturation pulses and minimum fluorescence yield after dark-acclimation. For more information visit
The Cary Eclipse Spectrophotometer, equipped with xenon flash lamp, is a comprehensive instrument for any kind of luminescent spectrometric analysis – fluorescence, chemiluminescence, bioluminiscence. Besides wide range sensitive photomultiplier tube detectors (200-900 nm), list of its advantages includes auto excitation & emission polarizers (for anisotropy measurements), thermostatic changeable cell holders (including one for multi-well plates) and possibility of up to 80 points per second rate measurements for fast kinetic processes analysis. User-friendly software (in an Analysis package) provides fundamental instrument-controlling and analytical functions (alignment, scanning, concentration determination, simple and advanced reads etc.). For further acquaintance visit