Electron microscopy
Electron microscopy allows to investigate biological objects such as cells, cellular organelles, bacteria, viruses, biogenic macromolecules, etc., under the highest magnification possible in the biological research. There are two main fields in the electron microscopy: scanning (raster) electron microscopy (SEM) being applied for rather thick sections of the biological samples, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) being applied for the thin sections. SEM is based on the sequential scanning of the electron dense object with the simultaneous registration of any of the following parameters for each point of the object: the generation of back-scattering electrons, secondary electrons, characteristic X-radiation, cathodluminescence. TEM creates images due to the dispersion of the electrons after passing through the thin sample.
Transmission electron microscopy unit includes two microscopes: JEOL JEM-1400 and JEOL JEM-2100HC along with routine equipment for cryo-electronic, electron tomography studies and element analysis.
Scanning electron microscopy unit provides the Tescan MIRA3 LMU scanning electron microscope and Jeol JCM-5000 NeoScope desktop electron microscope.
The key to the success in the electron microscopy is the correct sample preparation. Our center provides the equipment for both classical sample preparation using chemical methods of the sample fixation, and the cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation allowing to stop all biochemical processes in the sample instantly thus avoiding artifacts attached to the chemical fixation.
Transmission electron microscopy
Installed Microscopes
Jeol JEM-1400 Transmission Electron Microscope (with an acceleration voltage of 40-120 кВ)
For specifications visit www.jeol.com.
Jeol JEM-2100HC Transmission Electron Microscope (with an accelaration voltage of 80-200 кВ)
For specifications visit www.jeol.com.
Complementary Equipment
Side-mounted TEM CCD camera Olympus Veleta
The camera is mounted on the TEM Jeol JEM-1400 and has the resolution of 2k x 2k pixels. For specifications visit www.olympus-sis.com.
Bottom mounted TEM CCD camera Gatan Ultrascan 4000
The camera is mounted on the TEM Jeol JEM-2100. It has the resolution of 4k x 4k pixels with 16 bits imaging. For specifications visit www.gatan.com.
Side-mounted TEM CCD camera Gatan ES500W Erlangshen
The camera is mounted on the Jeol JEM-2100. It works with a wide range of TEM applications requiring high sensitivity or large field of view . For specifications visit www.gatan.com.
- Imaging Plate Documentation System DitaBis MicronVario
MicronVario is an electron detection system designed on the basis of the imaging plate technology. It allows to perform high resolution TEM imaging using Jeol Jeol JEM-1400 and JEM-2100. For more information visit the official DitaBis website www.ditabis.com.
- Jeol EM-DSC30 Photoplate degasser
The device provides moisture elimination from photoplates applied on the TEM Jeol JEM-1400 and JEM-2100. The procedure is not necessary for electron-sensitive imaging plates applied together with the DitaBis MicronVario detection system.
- Ion Cleaning Device Jeol JIC-410
The device is designed for sample and sample holder plasmic cleaning from hydrocarbon contamination.
- Support Film Hydrophilizing System Jeol HDT-400
The device provides hydrophilization of carbonic support films, SEM sample holders and diamond knifes for ultratomy optimization.
Auxiliary Equipment for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Gatan 914 Nitrogen Cooled Cryotransfer Tomography Holder with Gatan 900 temperature controller
The instrument provides low temperature transferring of EM samples into the columns of TEM Jeol JEM-1400 and JEM-2100, with capability of high tilt tomographic series recording for subsequent 3D reconstruction. For more information visit www.gatan.com.
- Gatan 655 Turbo Pumping Station
The instrument is designed for producing the clean vacuum. It can be used for vacuum storage of TEM holders, including the Gatan 914 cryo specimen holder, regeneration of cryoholder's dewar vacuum condition, removing absorbed water from cold holders, etc. For more information visit www.gatan.com.
Software Support
Scanning (Raster) Electron Microscopy
Tescan MIRA3 LMU Scanning Electron Microscope
Mira3 is a high resolution scanning electron microscope equipped with the high brightness Schottky Field Emission gun and designed to work with a wide range of SEM applications. It provides the possibility to work under both high and low vacuum conditions, to handle specimen using The Leica EM VCT100 contamination-free cryo transfer system, and to perform local element microanalysis using Oxford X-Max 80 energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system. For more information visit www.tescan.com.
- Benchtop Scanning Electron Microscope Jeol JCM-5000 NeoScope
JCM-5000 NeoScope is a compact benchtop SEM designed for performing tasks of routine scanning microscope in both high and low vacuum modes. For more information visit www.jeol.com.
Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation
Sample dissection
Leica VT1200 S is a fully automated vibrating blade microtome predominantly designed for cutting fresh non-fixed soft tissues, and for cutting series sections of fixed specimen as well. For specifications visit www.leicabiosystems.com.
The instrument provides sample retrieval from animal tissue which could subsequently be used for high pressure freezing or routine sample preparation.
Chemical fixation / sample dehydration
- Automatic Microwave Tissue Processor for Electron Microscopy Leica EM AMW
Automatic microwave tissue processor, equipped with the automatic reagent changer and microwave chamber for 20 samples, allows to process, embed, and polymerize specimens into resin. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Automated routine tissue processor Leica EM TP-1020VF
Leica EM TP is a fully automated device which provides fixation, dehydration and infiltration of histological samples for both electron and light microscopy using different kinds of fixatives, ethanol or isopropyl alcohol, xylene or chloroform, and paraffin. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Multifunctional Microwave Tissue Processor Milestone KOS
Kos is a multifunctional microwave device designed to perform fast histological threading, fixation, decalcification, gross hardening, various histochemical stainings. For more information visit www.milestonemedsrl.com.
- Leica Perfusion Two System
Perfusion Two System is an automated perfusion system comprising an automated air compressor the with controlled pressure system. The instrument allow to perform intracardiac perfusion of laboratory animals. For specifications visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Sample Embedding/ Polimerization / Trimming
- Automatic Microwave Tissue Processor for Electron Microscopy Leica EM AMW
Automatic microwave tissue processor, equipped with the automatic reagent changer and microwave chamber for 20 samples, allows to process, embed, and polymerize specimens into resin. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Freeze Substitution and Low Temperature Embedding System Leica EM AFS2
The instrument provides freeze substitution, low temperature embedding and polymerization of resins with UV for both light and electron microscopy tasks. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Thermostats for Block Polymerization
- Specimen trimming device Leica EM TRIM2
Leica EM TRIM2 is a milling system is used in the transmission and scanning electron and light microscopy and designed for sample preparation prior to ultratomy. The device is equipped with stereomicroscope and LED ring illuminator. It allows to trim polymerized pyramid specimen blocks and to polish the front surface of the trimming specimen blocks. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7
The device is designed for the preparation of semi- and ultrathin sections for TEM, SEM, and LM studies in room temperature and cryo modes. For specifications visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Glass Knifemaker Leica EM KMR3
The device is designed for glass knife making of three thicknesses 6,4 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm. Knifes can be used for the preparation of semi- and ultrathin specimen sections. For specifications visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Staining/ Contrasting
- Automatic contrasting instrument for ultrathin sections Leica EM AC20
The device is designed for double staining of ultrathin sections with the heavy metal salts. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Side-Mounted Exhaust System Kugel
The exhaust system is used for the reduction of toxic compound concentration. For more information visit www.kugel-medical.de.
Automated Threading by Immuno-Gold Technique
- Automated immunogold labeling system Leica EM IGL
The device represents the automated system for immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections being used in the electron microscopy, thus eliminating the step of the manually labeling of grids. For specifications visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Cryofixation / Vitrification
- High Pressure Freezer for Cryofixation of Biological And Industrial Samples Leica EM HPM100
The device is designed for sample cryofixation with the help of the high pressure freezing technique with the vitrification thickness of 200 µm. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Vitrification on Grids
- Automatic Plunge Freezing with Bare Grid Technique Leica EM GP
Leica EM GP is an automated system for fast plunge freezing of water-containing samples, suspensions and colloidal solutions in the secondary cryogenic medium, such as liquid ethane, on grids designed to work with electron microscopy tasks. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Water Freeze-Substitution
- Freeze Substitution and Low Temperature Embedding System Leica EM AFS2
The instrument provides freeze substitution, low temperature embedding and polymerization of resins using the X-Ray technology for both light and electron microscopy tasks. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Ultramicrotome for Sectioning at Room Temperature and Cryo Leica EM UC7 with Cryochamber Leica EM FC7
The Leica ultramicrotome with cryochamber provides the preparation of semi- and ultrathin sections at temperature from -15°C to -185°C using CEMOVIS and Tokuyasu cryosectioning techniques. For specifications visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Critical Point Drying
- Automated Critical Point Dryer Leica EM CPD300
Leica EM CPD300 is a semi-automated system designed for critical point drying of biological samples. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
Sputtering / Fracturing
- High vacuum sputter coater for highest resolution FE-SEM analysis Leica EM SCD500
Leica EM SCD500 is a sputtering system providing the production of very thin homogenous and fine-grained films of noble metal, chrome, copper, nickel, conductive carbon coatings and surface plasma cleanings for highest resolution scanning electron microscope studies. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
- Jeol JEE-420D Vacuum Evaporator
The device is designed to produce fine-grain specimen support films by carbon evaporation for TEM studies, conductive and supportive coatings for SEM studies and replicas by evaporation of different metals in high vacuum. For more information visit www.jeol.com.
- Freeze Fracture System Leica EM BAF060
The description of the instrument see below.
Freeze-Fracturing/ Etching/ Coating
- Freeze Fracture System Leica EM BAF060 with Vacuum cryo transfer system Leica EM VCT100
The system provides freeze-fracturing of emulsions, liquids, gels and suspensions; freeze-fracturing of cell suspensions and tissues vitrified by high pressure freezing; sublimation drying of cell suspensions and tissues vitrified by high pressure freezing; sublimation drying of viruses, membranes and cellular components vitrified by grid freezing and dual-axial rotation sputtering; and freeze-fracturing-etching for cryo scanning electron microscopy tasks. For more information visit www.leica-microsystems.com.
The equipemt in other Research Resource Centers of St. Petersburg State University is also available for carrying out biomedical research projects:
Transmission electron microscope with field emission cathode (Zeiss Libra 200FE); Scanning electron microscope; Helium ion microscope (Zeiss ORION), etc.
Atomic-force microscope (NT-MDT Ntegra); Scanning electron microscopy with ion column (FEI Quanta 3D 200), Benchtop scanning electron microscope (Hitachi TM-2000).